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An app can hook into the Web API (REST + Realtime), to allow for external access. A use case would for example be a Raspberry PI that reports it's status to Homey.

Your app's API edpoints are available under the following url: /api/app/ All endpoints are by default protected, and the requesting user needs permission to your app (which is granted by default after installation). You can override this by setting public: true.

To add API endpoints to your app, create a file /api.js in your app's root folder. An example is shown below.


module.exports = [

    method: 'GET',
    path: '/',
    public: true,
    fn: function( args, callback ){
      const result =;

      // callback follows ( err, result )
      callback( null, result );

      // access /?foo=bar as

    method: 'POST',
    path: '/',
    fn: function( args, callback ){
      const result = args.body );
      if( result instanceof Error ) return callback( result );
      return callback( null, result );

    method: 'PUT',
    path: '/:id',
    fn: function( args, callback ){
      const result =, args.body );
      if( result instanceof Error ) return callback( result );
      return callback( null, result );

    method: 'DELETE',
    path: '/:id',
    fn: function( args, callback ){
      const result = );
      if( result instanceof Error ) return callback( result );
      return callback( null, result );

] is the instance of your App.


Possible parameters for an API endpoint object are:

key type value
method String, Array GET, POST, PUT or DELETE, or an array of these values
path String e.g. /, /:foo, /bar/:foo
fn Function The function to execute when the call has been made
public Boolean Set to true to make this endpoint accessible without a token
role String Set to owner to make this endpoint only accessible to owners

The args object

The args object has three properties: body, query and params.


This is an object with the body, when your request has method POST or PUT. JSON is automatically parsed.


The params object is a set of strings defined in your path.


The params object is a set of strings that are provided as query parameters, e.g. ?foo=bar will result in { "foo": "bar" }.


Your app can emit 'realtime' events, which are one-way events to a subscribing client, e.g. a browser showing a Settings page.


Homey.ManagerApi.realtime('my_event', 'my_json_stringifyable_value')
  .catch( this.error )